If a Viatorian Brother experiences the call to become a Viatorian priest, he is required to pursue graduate theological studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. This program of professional theological study and ministerial formation normally takes four years in order to fulfill the requirements established by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for ordination to the priesthood. The first three years involve a curriculum of formal theological studies which terminates, at the end of three years, in the student receiving the Master of Divinity [M.Div.] degree from Catholic Theological Union. Ordination to the diaconate ordinarily takes place at the end the Spring semester of the third year of this program of theological studies and ministerial formation. The fourth year engages the Viatorian Deacon in a program termed the Deacon Internship Program. This program is normally a year long; it is spent in residence at a Viatorian parish and the deacon is mentored by a Viatorian pastor and by the Viatorian director of priestly formation. Upon successful completion of all components of this program for priestly formation, the Viatorian deacon may request ordination to the priesthood in the late Spring of his deacon internship.
Viatorian Brothers who do not experience the call to priestly ministry, often complete a one or two year certificate and/or degree program [M.A. degree] in theology or religious education. This graduate theological education usually occurs at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Loyola University in Chicago, DePaul University in Chicago, the University of Notre Dame, or other Catholic Universities. These graduate professional programs prepare the Viatorian Brother for a variety of ministries: teaching religion in grade or secondary schools, campus ministry, parish ministry, social justice ministry, etc.