Collectively, they represent 160 years of religious life, and those are just three of the Viatorians who celebrated their jubilees this summer.

Bishop Daniel Conlon, center, joins Fr. Richard Pighini, pastor, at left, and the three jubilarians: Fr. Bill Haesaert, Fr. Tom Kass and Fr. John Eck. Photo by David Merkle
Fr. John Eck, CSV, a retired teacher and counselor who ended his ministry in pastoral work, celebrated 60 years of religious life during the Provincial Assembly. Now living at St. Patrick Church in Kankakee, he helps out with sacramental ministry at surrounding parishes.
“John is a man who is truly attuned to one of the pillars of our community — caring for those accounted of little importance,” said Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, during
a special jubilee dinner.
Fr. William Haesaert, CSV, celebrated 50 years of religious life. The former teacher and pastor continues to minister at Viatorian parishes in Las Vegas, taking special interest in Campus Ministry programs for young people.
“He has a passion for ministry, a passion for parish work,” Fr. von Behren said. “It’s not just work, it’s his life.”
Fr. Thomas Kass, CSV, also celebrated 50 years of religious life. The former professor
at St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, now lives in Chicago and he offered the homily at the jubilee Mass, held at Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Bourbonnais, IL
“By any measure, 60, 50 or 25 years of religious life is no small achievement; it is a life of commitment,” Fr. Kass said. “Not one of us knew how it would turn out. This life’s journey of religious life is frought with risks, yet these milestones are
“They allow us to pause and take stock,” he added, “and renew us for the rest of the journey.”
Also celebrating jubilees this year are Fr. Edward Anderson, CSV, who reached 70 years of religious life, as well as Fr. Alejandro Adame, CSV, Fr. C. Gregory Jones, CSV, and Fr. Luis Eduardo Lopez, CSV, who all reached 25 years of religious life; as well as Fr. Albeyro Vanegas, CSV, who celebrated 25 years of priesthood.