Drama Ministry is an active group at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas and Holy Week provides them with a prime outlet.
Led by Pastoral Assistant Bob Blaskey, these liturgical actors presented the Living Passion at four of the Masses on Palm Sunday, and they will perform it again on Good Friday.
Beth Schill, marriage and baptism coordinator for the parish, played one of the reflectors in the passion play.
“I’m the voice of today, reflecting on the events of Jesus’ passion,” Beth says, “and how it is relevant in our lives.”
Their presentation also included music, including an original song, “Mary’s Song,” written by Greg Smith and performed by St. Viator’s Music Director, Cheri Scott-Ollila, as well as the hymn, “Were You There,” performed by the parish’s adult choir.
“Several people approached me after Mass to express their gratitude for the presentation, saying how much it had touched them,” she added. “Their comments affirm the reason why we offer this annually during Palm Sunday Masses for our parishioners.”
The entire presentation was adapted and directed by Bob Blaskey.