The final tally is in — and the numbers are higher than tomatoes

For the third straight summer, members of the Viatorian Community have tended a garden on the Province Center grounds — with the sole intention of donating its produce to the local food pantry for hungry families.

Led by Fr. Dan Hall, CSV, the little garden that could, surprised everyone this year by producing 1,904 pounds of fresh vegetables or just less than one short ton.

“I have to say, I was surprised,” Fr. Hall said. “This is 100 pounds more than last summer, which is quite amazing considering the cool summer and the over abundance of rain that we experienced. Well done, everyone!”more flowers and veggies

Additionally, Viatorian Associate Joan Sweeney cultivated flowers in her garden bed. She wound up donating 176 of hand-tied bouquets to the food pantry, which were donated to local senior citizens who received them with their Meals on Wheels deliveries.

The community’s summer donations were featured in the fall edition of the Wheeling Township newsletter.

“We want to thank you everyone for the multiple donations of produce and fresh flowers during the growing season, ” said Wheeling Township Supervisor Michael Schroeder. “The vegetables were a healthy addition to the pantry and the flowers helped lift the spirits of all that saw or received them.

“Every donation makes a difference in someone’s life,” he added, “and brings relief during a time of need.”