Officials at Saint Viator High School unveiled the latest improvement as part of their $14 million capital campaign: the Marie Gallagher Academic Commons.
It took just 46 days to convert the school’s former library into a state of the art academic center, that will promote collaborative learning in the digital age.
“On time — and on budget,” said Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, president, at the rededication ceremony.
The new space features upholstered seating and collaborative work stations, recessed projection screens and LCD projectors, as well as a quiet study area and offices. Like the rest of the building, it has wireless Internet access, and will be open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, allowing students to work together on group projects before and after school.
“This collegiate style commons is designed to meet our rigorous college prep curriculum as we enter the iPad era,” Fr. Brost said to the nearly 100 people gathered for the dedication.
“We have designed a space that will promote collaborative learning, while also providing space for quiet, independent study,” he added. “We think it will be the academic hub of the school.”
The Shaping the Future with Faith campaign started with the remodeling of the Scanlan Center for students with learning needs.
Next month, construction is expected to begin on the school’s new Querbes Hall, which will open in 2015. This multi-purpose space will not only serve as a collegiate-style dining facility, but also host multiple educational and social events.
In the fall of 2015, construction will begin on a $2 million renovation of the performing and visual arts facilities.