The official celebration of St. Viator Parish’s 125th anniversary sparked a profile story in the latest edition of the Catholic New World, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Chicago.
Its working title: “Some 20 parishes grew out of St. Viator’s boundaries.”
“(Its) remarkable journey,” the story opens, “spans the transition of its Chicago patch of farmland to a thriving urban parish serving a revolving array of immigrant groups across three different centuries.”
The story point to two constants at St. Viator, since its start in 1888: “the Viatorians’ presence and a shifting urban demographic that compelled the parish to evolve and adapt to changing societal needs.”
“As committed as we are to living in the present and planning for the future, said Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, pastor, “this history is a real gift to us.”
To read the entire story, click here.