As we prepare to vote this fall, the following are some of the basic principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
Which candidates or party best represents these? Which of these do we consider when we vote?
The list of values was compiled by the Social Justice Resource Center, whose mission is to link faith to action by providing information and resources on the social issues of our time.
These values are based on Catholic social teaching, which includes:
- The right to life, liberty and security of the person.
- The right to food, clothing, housing, sufficient health care, rest, and leisure.
- The right to freedom of expression, education and culture.
- The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
- The right to manifest one’s religion either individually or in community, in public or in private.
- The right to choose a state of life, to found a family and to enjoy all conditions necessary for family life.
- The right to property and work, to adequate working conditions and a just wage; the right of assembly and association.
- The right to freedom of movement, to internal and external migration.
- The right to nationality and residence.
- The right to political participation and the right to participate in the free choice of the political system of the people to which one belongs.