As members of the Environmental Stewardship Committee for the Viatorian Community, Tom Leavitt, chef at the Province Center and myself, Joan Sweeney, archivist for the Community were assigned to plant an herb garden. Tom recruited Lorelle Silverman, who works for him, to help us out. Lorelle is a natural in the garden.
together. On Sunday afternoon, May 16th, the herbs were planted. It has beautiful purple and pink allysum in a formal pattern surrounding the herbs which include curly and flat leaf parsley, 3 types of basil, thyme
and rosemary. Lavender was planted along the back – a hard to reach area of the space and decorative dusty miller is in the diamond center.
and close to the kitchen for continual cutting and use. It is both edible and decorative. The scent of cocoa from the cocoa shell mulch is very enjoyable!