Viatorians in the Arlington Heights-Chicago region shared a morning of reflection for Lent, facilitated by Rosanne Coury.

Rosanne Coury taught theology at Saint Viator High School for several years before stepping down amid health problems. Now in stable health again, she mostly works in spiritual direction and supervision.

She drew on the life cycle of a caterpillar and butterfly as well as the raising of Lazarus, noting that both involved some less-than-glamorous processes but each led to rebirth. “Lent is the time when Jesus calls us to come forth – to participate in a new level of living, allowing Jesus to get rid of the crud,” Rosanne said. “Lent is the environment in which significant, profound change can happen.”

As a former theology teacher at Saint Viator High School and a veteran of decades of diverse ministry experience, Rosanne enjoyed the familiar feel of a Viatorian gathering. “All of you do ministry, so you all know about the wacky stuff God can get up to. Hopefully, I can agitate you just enough to find out what ‘sneaky Jesus’ may be up to,” Rosanne said. “Viatorians can open the door to a whole new way of living because you have committed yourselves to this spirituality.”

Rosanne challenged Viatorians to use Lent to rediscover and identify our mission, especially each individual’s sense of it in his or her self. She considers Lent the ideal time to sharpen our understanding of our mission, identify and remove obstacles, and move actively toward living this mission out. For her, it all starts with seeing ourselves as God see us – with total love. “Personal disciplines in prayer can help us become more open to God and push our egos aside – if we open ourselves to see ourselves as God sees us,” Rosanne said.

Rosanne invited the group to do some small-group sharing: (clockwise from top left) Associate Ann Perez and Fr. Dan Hall, CSV; Fr. John Eustice, CSV and Fr. John Van Wiel, CSV; Associates Barb D’Urso, Brigette Branking, and Joan Sweeney; Br. John Avellaneda, CSV, Fr. Arnie Perham, CSV, and Associate Chris Gucwa.

In large-group sharing, Fr. Arnie Perham, CSV, our province’s senior member, encouraged everyone to live out their lives of prayer a quintessentially Viatorian way: with exposure to diverse styles and forms. “As you move along your spiritual journeys, it’s helpful to find sources that inspire you and keep you going – things like music and lyrics, film, sacred art, and time outdoors can all give you strength and nourish your contemplation,” Fr. Arnie said.

The morning was organized by the regional leadership team, who invited Rosanne to present and facilitate: Associate Chris Gucwa, Associate John Dussman, Associate Barb D’Urso, and Fr. Dan Hall, CSV. “I think Rosanne is a ‘go-to person’ for religious education,” Barb, a former colleague of Rosanne at Saint Viator High School, said. “She has been a high school theology teacher, a department chair, a director of religious education, and a spiritual director. And for me, she’s always managed to offer a different perspective and help me in my discernment.”

Br. Rob Robertson, CSV lectors at Mass for the regional gathering.

The morning began with Mass, celebrated by Fr. John Van Wiel, CSV in our newly renovated Province Center chapel. Rosanne offered some reflections and stories, screened a short film, facilitated some small-group and large-group sharing, and shared some poetry. As the morning concluded, Rosanne invoked the words of the Venerable Louis Querbes to send everyone into their Lenten journey: “Take courage. Having nothing, we still possess God. Adored and loved be Jesus!”