Welcome to the season of Lent. We pray that you will spend this season grounded in a pilgrimage of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, walking with Christ to the Triduum and the Easter season.

In the Gospel of Matthew, which we hear today at Mass on Ash Wednesday, Jesus teaches his disciples – and all of us – how to pray, fast, and give alms.

Jesus encourages us to pray to God with steady piety in our personal lives, not to call attention to ourselves in loud prayer. Jesus encourages us to fast while we continue our daily lives and lovingly walk with one another, not to sacrifice with gloom and despair. Jesus encourages us to give of ourselves with quiet grace, not to call attention to our sacrifices and seek praise.

As you discern the ways you will pray, fast, and give this Lent, we invite you to incorporate Viatorian spirituality using a new resource.

Our founder, the Venerable Louis Querbes, offered the first Viatorians a rich spirituality for their lives of faith. By reflecting on Fr. Querbes’ writings, looking to the examples of generations of Viatorians, and walking together with Viatorians who live this out today, we gain a rich sense of what Fr. Querbes desired for his brothers and passed on to all of us.

In a special series on our Viatorian Voices: Conversations on the Way podcast feed and YouTube playlist, we will dig into our Viatorian spirituality with expansive reflections from professed Viatorians and Viatorian associates. In these three special episodes, Viatorians will unpack the spirituality of our founder, the spirituality we live out in our ministry and service, and the spirituality we practice in our prayer.

Watch this preview to get a glimpse of these reflections:

For those who enjoy videos, these episodes will be available on YouTube. For those who like to listen during car rides, walks, exercise, and more, these episodes will be available in our podcast feed on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Each episode includes reflections from various panelists as well as reflection questions intended to jumpstart your reflection, journaling, and prayer throughout Lent. These questions are narrated in the episode and also included in the YouTube video description and the podcast episode notes for your reference and ongoing use.

We pray for you to have a blessed Lent. Venerable Louis Querbes, inspire us. Saint Viator, pray for us. Adored and loved be Jesus!


Monday, March 10: The Spirituality of Father Querbes

Monday, March 24: The Spirituality of Viatorian Ministry

Monday, April 7: The Spirituality of Viatorian Prayer

featuring panelists
Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial
Fr. John Eustice, CSV
Fr. Moses Mesh, CSV
Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV
Associates Ken and Michelle Barrie
Associate Dan Masterton
Associate Ann Perez
Pre-Associate Patrick McGarry