Tables and representatives spread out across the Boler Multipurpose Athletic Center Friday at Saint Viator High School. Yet, this was no career fair or college fair, for that matter. No, it was a vocations fair.
That’s right. Representatives from 14 religious communities set up their displays, complete with posters, brochures and members eager to share their charism with sophomore theology students. Including the Viatorians.
Br. John Eustice, who serves as director of vocation ministry for the Viatorians, was on hand as well as Br. Jhobany Orduz, a native of Colombia who is studying for his Master’s in Divinity at Catholic Theological Union. Br. Rob Robertson was on hand for some of the event as well as Associate Ann Perez, a theology teacher at the school.
“Students gain a wider perspective of the vocational paths available to them,” says Mr. Patrick McGarry, theology chair, “and help them to discern if God is calling them to communal or religious life.
“The students also get to put human faces and personalities to those who have chosen this path,” he adds, “allowing students and religious to talk together, laugh together, and share time and space for a bit.”
Sophomores worked from a set of questions that ranged from learning more about each order and their main ministries, to asking what they would recommend to someone who might be thinking about exploring a call to religious life.
In the case of the Viatorians, Br. Eustice likes to offer students all the possibilities within religious life, including serving as a religious brother, priest or lay associate.
“In Vocation Ministry,” Br. Eustice says, “we are proud to describe the Viatorian Community as a rich place where religious brothers, religious priests, and lay associates come together.”