Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, professed his first vows as a Viatorian in 2016 and his perpetual vows in 2019. He has served in many Viatorian ministries, and now works as a teacher and coach at Saint Viator High School, while living in community with other Viatorians.
Br. Peter was one of several religious — including brothers and sisters — featured in a series of videos by the National Religious Vocation Conference, on Feb. 2, celebrated around the world as World Day for Consecrated Life.
This Abudant Hope series is intended to “spark a conversation about religious life using this video series of newer entrants talking about their lived experiences of intergenerational and intercultural vowed communal life.”
Br. Peter opens his two-minute video by saying “I am filled with gratitude for the life God has called me to.” Hear what — and who — continue to sustain him in living out his consecrated life.