Dear Members of the Viatorian Community,

Fr. Dudley Pierre, CSV, Superior of Haiti, with two of his religious brothers who made their perpetual professions.

As many of you are aware, President Jovenel Moïse was killed Wednesday in an attack on his private residence on the outskirts of the capital, Port-au-Prince. At the present time, there is much unrest as the people of Haiti grapple with this shocking news.

Viatorians in the Foundation of Haiti

Fr. Dudley Pierre, CSV, Superior of the Foundation of Haiti, has asked us for prayers. Currently, roughly 35 professed members of the community, plus several associates, live and minister in several institutions in this impoverished country.

Let us pray for the safety of all Haitians and for a quick resolution to this crisis.

Rev. Daniel R. Hall, CSV

Clerics of St. Viator, Province of Chicago