In a rare joint meeting, members of the old and new Provincial Councils met with newly elected Provincial Superior, Fr. Dan Hall, CSV. It was described as a time to bring new members up to speed on pressing matters, as well a time for old members to wrap things up.
“Change is scary, but for me change is exciting,” Fr. Hall said. “It puts before us possibilities that perhaps we never had before. We cannot be stuck in the past, nor timid about new beginnings.”
Seated around the table were new Provincial Council members, including Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, who will serve as Assistant Provincial. Br. Gosch is a 1974 Saint Viator High School graduate, who has a master’s degree in social work. For the last five years he has served as coordinator of peace, justice and integrity of creation initiatives for the Viatorian Community. Just last year, he added his role as co-director of the Viator House of Hospitality.
Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, remains on the Provincial Council. He had served on the council with Fr. Mick
Egan, CSV, before Fr. Egan was elected as Superior General. Fr. Francis is a 1971 Saint Viator High School graduate and former Superior General of the Viatorians. He now serves as president of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
Fr. Dan Lydon, CSV, joins the Provincial Council for the first time. He, too, is product of Saint Viator High School, having graduated in 1973. He returned to the high school in 1994 to teach and ultimately serve in its administration. This fall, he left the school to serve as an associate pastor at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais.
Br. Rob Robertson, CSV, rejoins the Provincial Council. He had previously served as a councilor with Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV. Br. Rob spent 20 years at Saint Viator High School, as a teacher and counselor, before leaving in 2015 to work in Las Vegas. He currently works in Campus Ministry at Bishop Gorman High School.
Br. John Eustice, CSV, attended his last Provincial Council meeting, at least for a while. The Las Vegas native has worked in Campus Ministry at both Saint Viator High School and with the Viatorian mission in Belize. He currently heads up vocations for the Viatorian Community while also leading the young adult ministry program at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais.
The new Provincial and his Council will be installed formally on Dec. 16.